General Information On Countries
TIME: GMT + 8. Beijing time is standard throughout China.
AREA: 3,705,406 miles² (9,596,960 km²)
POPULATION: 1.35 billion.
CAPITAL: Beijing (Peking)If using chopsticks, do not position them upright in your rice bowl as the gesture symbolises death. Toasting at a meal is very common, as is the custom of taking a treat when visiting someone's home, such as fruit, confectionery or a souvenir from a home country. If it is the home of friends or relatives, money may be left for the children.
(b) HIV-positive travellers are not permitted to enter the country.
(a) 1. Nationals of the UK travelling to Hong Kong only for stays of up to 180 days;
(b) 2. All nationals travelling only to Macao for stays of up to 90 days (except nationals of the USA for stays up to 30 days; and nationals of the UK for stays up to six months);
(c) transit passengers continuing their journey by the same or first connecting plane to another country within 24 hours who hold valid onward documentation and do not leave the airport;
(d) some passengers (not including nationals of the USA or UK) who transit through both Shanghai airports only, with all necessary documentation, within 48 hours.
Visa Note:-
(b) Business travellers are required to provide an official invitation from the company or institution in China when applying for a visa.
Types of Visa and Cost:
Tourist/Business/Transit UK nationals: £30 (single-entry); £45 (double-entry); £90 (multiple-entry; six months); £150 (multiple-entry; 12 months and 24). Group (at least five people): £24 per person. The express service costs £30.
For all applications PLUS a Service Processing Fee of £35.00 per passport.
Validity:Single entry visas are normally valid for three months, double entry for six months.
TIME: GMT + 5 and half Summer Time
POPULATION: 48.7 million
CAPITAL: Naypyidaw
LANGUAGE : The official language is Burmese; however, regional languages: Jingpho, Kayah Karen Chin Mon Rakhine Shan are also spoken.
Travellers Cheques: Travellers Cheques currently CANNOT BE USED or exchanged in Myanmar.
Currency: The currency in Myanmar is the Kyat (pronounced 'chat') and comes in notes of 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 and 5000 kyat. As in many countries of the area, the US Dollar is the most useful currency to carry but we recommend for travellers to exchange some money into kyat. In many local restaurants and shops, kyat is the only method of payment allowed.
There is a parallel official currency the FEC (Foreign Exchange certificate), which can be used (as you use cash US Dollars) to pay hotels, flight- train tickets, souvenirs, meals etc. It is at par (1:1) with the US Dollar but make sure to spend it before leaving Myanmar as it is valid only in Myanmar
RELIGION: Buddhism is the dominant religion in Myanmar and over 85% of the population practice it. The monastery is the traditional focal point of village life in Myanmar and monks rely on villagers for donations of both money and food. Every boy in Myanmar is expected to spend sometime as a monk. The remainder of the population are Christians, Muslims and animists.
VISAS: A visa is COMPULSORY to enter Myanmar. A 28-day tourist visa is usually sufficient for most visitors. The current regulations for entering Myanmar are: Individual visaThis visa is issued by a Myanmar Embassy or Consulate. An invitation letter is not mandatory, and it usually takes 3-5 working days to issue this visa.
Any other information can be supplied on request
TIME: GMT + 8 hours
AREA: 22,621 miles² (36,193 km²) Taiwan is 254 miles (394 kilometres) long by 89.5 miles (144 kilometres) wide. The Central Mountain Range bisects Taiwan along a north-south axis; about two-thirds of the island is covered with forested mountains. Jade Mountain (Yushan), with an elevation of 3,952m (12,966 feet), is the highest mountain in East Asia. The rest of the island is made up of foothills, terraced flatlands, coastal plains, and basins. Over the past fifty years, Taiwan has experienced remarkable economic success and a spectacular rise in living standard.
POPULATION: The Population of Taiwan is over 23 million (Wikipedia 2013). Most of the people originally migrated to Taiwan from the Chinese mainland
CAPITAL: Taipei with a population of about 2.6 million (Wikipedia 2013). The city is the political, cultural, and economic centre of the island.
LANGUAGE: Mandarin Chinese is the official language in Taiwan. The most commonly used foreign language is English.
Foreign currencies can be exchanged at the airport, government-authorised banks, tourist hotels, and large department stores. Major credit cards and traveller's cheques are acceptable at large stores, restaurants, and international tourist hotels. Taxes/Tipping: A 10% service charge and 5% value-added tax are automatically added to room rates and meals. In general, tipping is not needed.
VISAS: Entry Visas: Holders of United Kingdom passports can enter Taiwan without a visa for up to 90 days.
TIME: GMT + 7 hours
POPULATION: 90.3 million (Wikipedia 2012).
LANGUAGE: Vietnamese, spoken by most of the population, is
a tonal language and definitely not easy to master. It is written in a
Latin-based script, making maps and signs relatively easy to
understand. More than 20% of the modern Vietnamese vocabulary
originally came from Chinese, so travellers fluent in other East Asian
languages may find some similar words.